Monday, February 1, 2010

What does the perfect plan look like and how do I get there?

Process over product

Listen to most advisors, radio talk shows, or television programs and invariably most will tell you (most of the time in five minutes or less) a solution to your particular problem is a specific product. This is a lot like being on the golf course and telling you the problem is your golf club (product), and not your swing (process). Could you imagine going to a doctor, when you were not feeling well, who just looked at you and without doing any other tests said you are going to need open heart surgery (I hope you would run for the hills)?

Go into any major manufacturing facility and you will see they have a system and process in place. These processes were developed over time to meet their specific needs to create a specific end product. Without these processes production could come to a screeching halt.

When planning for the future and working with an advisor it is critical that he/she goes through a process that will reveal the best solutions for your situation. There should be a process in place that helps you establish your own vision. Once your vision is created you then will begin the journey to assess your situation, make a commitment of what you are willing to do, implement your strategy, and determine how you will monitor your progress.

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